What is Yoga?
It’s actually impossible to answer that question. If you look at the history, Yoga has been everything in the past. A practice where one tried to achieve siddhis (superpowers) to blood hungry warrior Yogis that were feared in every village, to simply meditation. If you look at Patanjalis concept of the 8 limbs of Yoga, you probably get the most graspable and timely way to look at YOGA.
The eight limbs of Yoga – Ashtanga Marga by Patanjali.
Amhimsa – no violence
No destructive actions, words, or thoughts. Responsible use of our environment and other living beings. It also includes choosing the least destructive way of dealing with difficult situations.
Satya – no lies
This is more referring to authenticity than to unconditional honesty. To not pretend something, even not out of false consideration, and to choose the best and least harmful words for honesty.
Asteya – no stealing
To not take something which isn’t yours (No objects, no actions, no thoughts). Do not steal someone else’s ideas and do not adorn yourself with borrowed plumes. It also means to not betray somebody’s trust.
Brahmachrya – moderation
Moderation in all areas of life and focus on the essentials.
Aparigraha – no hoarding
Conscious consumption and the inner attitude of modesty.
Schaucha – cleanliness
Personal hygiene, conscious eating, continuity in the asana practice
Santosha – contentment
Being satisfied with what is and what you’ve got. Accept oneself as well as the personal circumstances.
Tapas – self-discipline / inner fire
A burning flame by which the obstacles to achieving our goal are incinerated.
Svadhyaya – self-study
Originally from studying the old sacred writing, it also refers to the ability of self-reflection.
Ishvara pranidhana – trust in a higher power
Dedicate, devote, surrender. Accept your own limitations and know that not everything is within one’s power or influence.
Practice with stability and ease. Go to your limits but don’t go beyond.
Conscious control of the breath. Body and mind start to calm, blockades break down and energy can flow.
Detachment. Withdrawal of the senses.
Total focus and immersion. The total concentration of the mind.
Meditation. Surrender. No Judgement.
The highest. Inner freedom. The pure self. Bliss.

Yin Yoga / Yin & Yang Yoga
“If there’s something we need more of in this world, it’s the softness of Yin”
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a Hatha-based Yoga style where the asanas get held between 2 and 7 minutes. The stillness of the pose enables a deepening of quality. Yin Yoga is a static practice that nourishes the meridians (traditional Chinese medicine) and loosens blockades.
A lot of people are drawn to yoga to reduce stress in their lives. Others would like to be more mindful and become more present. Yoga in general and Yin Yoga, in particular, provides physical, emotional, mental, and energetic benefits.
Yin is yielding, nourishing, and allowing. Some students initially find this practice boring or soft but they quickly discover that it can be quite challenging due to the long duration of the poses, in both ways physically and mentally.
3 Tattvas of Yin Yoga
- Finding a reasonable limit
- Finding stillness
- Dwell in the pose
Emotions in Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga can bring up emotions depending on the physical focus of the practice. For instance:
- Anxiety & fear by working on the kidney meridian
- Anger & frustration by working on the liver meridian
This is a natural process and it loosens the emotional blockades in our body to enable the Qi (prana/life) to flow. Its important to surrender to these emotions in order to heal our body and soul
Yin & Yang Yoga
Yang styles of yoga are dynamic, target the muscles and employ repetitive movements to stress the cells of the muscles and the fibers. Muscles love to get warm, they are elastic and moist, so they appreciate this form of exercise and respond well to it. Vinyasa Yoga, Bikram Yoga and Power Yoga are Yang styles practices.
Yin tissues are dryer and much less elastic, they appreciate and require gentler pressures, applied for longer periods of time in order to grow stronger.
In Yin & Yang Yoga classes we combine a dynamic Yoga practice (Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga) targeting Yang tissues such as muscles, blood, and skin with a static Yin Yoga practice targeting Yin tissues such as ligaments, bones, and joints.
Personally, a mix & the benefits of both Yoga styles are my favorites, wherefore I mainly teach a Yin & Yang style in my Yoga space in Mallorca. If you have any further questions, I will be happy to answer them. Just get in touch with me or find me in my studio in Palma de Mallorca. At the moment I am offering pure Yin Yoga as well as Yin Yang Yoga classes on our beautiful Mallorca island.
200hrs Ashtanga Vinyasa YTT Rishikesh India, 300hrs advanced Vinyasa YTT Costa Rica, 70hrs Yin Yoga YTT Cologne Germany, 40hrs Prenatal Yoga YTT Mallorca, 50hrs Yoga for Women, 50hrs Yoga for Stress and Anxiety, 50hrs Rewire Yin Yoga Training
Your Self Love Journey
We would be honored to explore your way of yoga together with you either in person at our Trainings, Retreats, Classes, or online via Zoom. At Yoga MariSol we offer Yin Yoga Teacher Trainings, Selfcare Yoga Retreats, Group Yoga classes by the Sea as well as online via Zoom and Private Yoga classes at your home, holiday rental, Yacht, or at some beautiful scenic outdoor places as well as online via Zoom.
Yin Yoga Teacher Trainings
Selfcare Yoga Retreats
Private & Group Yoga Classes
Get my FREE Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation.
Feel more relaxed and balanced with Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is an amazing tool to regulate the nervous system and feel a deep sense of relaxation. I have recorded this Yoga Nidra in the Jungle of Costa Rica to bring some inner peace to you.